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Use of iron oxide-News

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Use of iron oxide


Iron oxide is a compound made of oxygen and iron. Iron is a metallic element, accounting for about 5% of the earth's crust. When iron oxidizes or rusts, it produces colors such as yellow, orange and red. A large number of chemicals appear on Mars, which is called the "red planet". Mars seems to be red because its shell is mainly composed of it.


The cosmetics industry uses this product to make various pigments. Because it is non-toxic and waterproof, it will not drain or lose. It is an ideal additive for cosmetics, such as mascara, foundation and eye shadow. Two different types of compounds are used in the cosmetics industry: iron oxide II with black pigment and red iron oxide III.
In the art world, it is used to make pigments, such as burnt ochre and burnt amber. Since prehistoric times, the method of making pigments with paint color has been used. Lascaux's cave painting is an example of how long this compound has been used in artistic creation.
The different pigments of the compound are used to dye paint, concrete, leather, shoe polish, ceramic tile and rubber. Brown pigments range in color from light brown to coffee brown. Red pigments range in color from dark orange to dark red.