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Aluminum Sulfate-Paper industry

Address:lekja, Lagos Nigeria


Aluminum Sulfate


Aluminum Sulfate Al2 (SO43

Status: white or off-white crystal, nontoxic, flake, granular or block, with light green color due to containing low iron salt, and yellow surface due to oxidation of low iron salt.

1. Used as paper sizing agent in papermaking industry to enhance the water resistance and anti-seepage performance of paper;
2. After being dissolved in water, the fine particles and natural colloidal particles in the water can agglomerate into large floccules, which can be removed from the water, so it is used as coagulant for water supply and wastewater;
3. Used as turbid water purification agent, as well as precipitation agent, fixing agent, filler, etc. Used as the raw material of antiperspirant cosmetics (astringent);
4. In the fire protection industry, it is used as foam extinguishing agent, with baking soda and foaming agent.
5. Analytical reagent, mordant, tanning agent, oil decolorizer, wood preservative;
6. Stabilizers for pasteurization of albumin (including liquid or frozen whole eggs, egg whites or egg yolks);
7. It can be used as raw materials for the manufacture of artificial gemstones, high-grade ammonium alum and other aluminates;
8. In the fuel industry, it is used as a precipitant in the production of chrome yellow and lake dyes, and it also plays a role of fixing and filler.