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Sodium Silicate (Water Glass)-Daily washing

Address:lekja, Lagos Nigeria


Sodium Silicate (Water Glass)


Sodium Silicate(Na2O·nSiO2

Sodium Silicate, commonly known as Foam  Alkali,  and its aqueous solution, commonly known as water glass, is a mineral binder.

Status: colorless orthorhombic biconical crystal or white to off-white block or powder

Packing method: 25KG / bag


1. Applications of sodium silicate:

Sodium silicate is the most valuable filler in the soap making industry. Mixing sodium silicate into laundry soap can cushion the alkalinity of laundry soap, reduce the loss of laundry soap in water, enhance washing ability and prevent soap rancidity. Sodium silicate can help washing, antisepsis and stabilizing foam in synthetic detergents; it can be used as filler for paper making; used for manufacturing silicon gel and silica gel; used as binder in the foundry industry, bonding sand and clay to makes all kinds of moulds and cores that people need.

2. Applications of water glass:

Water glass is coated on the metal surface to form alkali silicate and silica gel films, which protect the metal from external acid and alkali corrosion. It is used as binder to bind glass, ceramics, asbestos, wood, plywood, etc. Used in the manufacture of refractory materials, white carbon black, and acid-resistant cement. Used as sizing agent and impregnant in textile industry; used as fixing agent and mordant in textile dyeing and pattern pressing and used for silk fabric weighting. Water glass is added to the leather production, and its dispersed colloid dioxide Silicon is used to produce soft leather; used in food industry to preserve eggs and prevent microorganisms from entering the eggshell space to cause deterioration; in the sugar industry, water glass can remove pigments and resins from the sugar solution.

In addition, sodium silicate has important applications in medical bandages, battery manufacturing, electrode manufacturing, steel-making and other industries.